
Here are some requests we've received for new features.  We'll be working on some of these!

Integrate GFPGAN

Allow user to optionally run GFPGAN on generated images to help clean up faces.


Allow user to optionally run ESRGAN on generated images to upscale the size of the final image.

Integrate txt2imghd

Allow user to optionally run TXT2IMGHD on generated images to upscale the size of the final image.

Specify Number Of Images

Allow user to specify the  number of images to be generated instead of defaulting to 4.

Specify Seed

Allow user to specify the  SEED to be used when generating images.  This will allow for repeatable images.

Specify Other SD Options

Allow user to specify other Stable Diffusion options.

Load & Save Option Sets

As the number of options increases we would want the user to be able to save combinations as option-sets and quickly load them.

Manage Request Queue

Allow user to be able to delete requests as well as reprioritize existing requests.

Save Prompts

Allow user to save prompts so that they can be quickly reused.  Maybe even have "favorites" that are accessible via one-click.

Send Email When Image Is Ready

As an image is complete, optionally allow the user to get an email.  Maybe allow limiting emails to one per 5 minutes so they don't get too many in a short period of time?

Prompt Combinations

Allow user to specify multiple prompts and them automatically create combinations

Deliver Files To Dropbox

Automatically deliver files to dropbox and other file sharing services.

Links That Don't Expire

Maybe allow for a premium option for links that don't expire?

Image Editor

Provide some sort of post-processing image editor?

Image Catalog

Save favorite images into some sort of catalog - related to the 'links that don't expire' idea.


Create a REST API.

WordPress Plugin

One the REST API is created, connect it to a WordPress plugin so images are easily generated while editing posts and pages.